The XXX International Scientific and Technical Conference of the Mining Natural Hazards series
The XXX International Scientific and Technical Conference of the Mining Natural Hazards series was held on November 14-16, 2023.
The conference covered topics related to seismic hazards, rockburst hazards, and aerological hazards.
During the conference, the DMC research team presented two presentations on ensuring the optimization of ventilation and improving the safety of underground miners. Both of these issues are related to the VOT3D project.
The topics of the presentation were:
Using laser scanning to build 3D models for CFD simulations. Jacek Wodecki, Przemysław Dąbek, Paulina Kujawa, Aleksandra Szrek, Kinga Romańczukiewicz, Adam Wróblewski, Aleksandra Banasiewicz, Radosław Zimroz
Airflow modeling based on 3D models of mine workings. Arkadiusz Macek, Adam Wróblewski, Aleksandra Banasiewicz, Paulina Kujawa, Jacek Wodecki, Karolina Adach-Pawelus, Radosław Zimro